Monday, December 15, 2008

Suit Up

Bought myself a suit. I actually prefer our Filipino Barongs over a suit given the choice but a suit is still needed in every man's closet. And besides, the invitation specifically said coat and tie. The wedding season has begun for me. Signs of the times. I am getting older. My old suit was way back during my high school days. Hanging there in its lonesome at the end of my closet. It's the one I wore for my prom and ball and that era was definitely over. It's time to move on. The coat still fits me though, but the pants don't anymore. Hahaha. And the style is-- way out of style for today. So now was my chance to buy a suit that's more modern. Nate Archibald-like, very sleek. I'm actually looking forward in wearing it. Let's see if a little Archibald charm rubs on me too as I wear my new GG styled suit. ;)

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