Saturday, October 10, 2009

My exit has begun

So it is set, I am leaving for France on the 4th of November. I barely have a month to prepare myself to leave. Seems like the time will never be enough and nothing can ever prepare me fully to what I'm going to leave behind. It's 3am. I just came from a despedida my officemates organized for me. Although I accidentally foiled their plans to surprise me, I must say I still got surprised. Never has anyone organized a surprise party for me and I have always wondered how that would feel like when it does happen up until last night. Thanks for the love you guys. You will really give me a hard time not missing you when I am in France.

The begining of the end has started. With a few weeks left to spare, I'm still trying to figure out how I can say goodbye to everyone who means a lot to me. Again, we don't have much time. Just thinking about it makes me feel sad. I never expected that leaving would be this difficult.

Even though a year to two wont seem long. It's the idea of not being able to see the people you love when you wish. It sucks. I think that this thought makes it all the more difficult to leave. But there is no other way but to deal with this. In order to fulfill my dreams of studying and experiencing living abroad, leaving the people you love comes with the package. It bites but you got to do what you got to do, right?

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