Wednesday, May 28, 2008

On success and making a difference

It's nice to find out that there are other people out there who pursue the same things that I hold important. K, A college mate of mine emailed me two days ago telling me how he found very interesting. And how he and his business partners also came up with a business called EntrepBuff, a profitable yet socially relevant venture. Although I was not surprised that they're pursuing this, it still gave me a good vibe that they we're actually and similarly doing something to make a difference. That I am not alone in this. We are not alone. And it so nice that I learn of that people I know from college too are pursuing these type of endeavors. "Civic-minded" batchmates as C describes it when I watched a fund raising concert she organized for the special children of Ang Arko ng Pilipinas.

I've always thought that Ateneo played a big role in me ending up like this. Maybe it's the Theo and Philo classes, the orgs I became active on, ASLA, or the different people I interacted with throughout my four year stay in college. Whatever it was, it sure did change my perspective on success and brought "making a difference" to a whole new level.

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