Watched the latest How I Met You Mother episode. The one where Britney Spears guested in. The following contains spoilers. In that episode, Ted Mosby gave a two minute date to his hot doctor. She doesn't date her patients and is also a single mother. I felt heavy hearted and a bit frustrated because it was so romantic. It was such a heartwarmer that it hurt! Why, oh why!? Hahaha. It took awhile for the feeling to subside. My housemate O, was laughing at me because I couldn't get over the episode just yet.
I wish that someday I can do that for her. When you really like someone you should really go for it and not give up. Even if everything seems so gray. Look at Ted Mosby. Patient, positive and persistent. Traits that I have to acquire big time.
oh my god patch! i just saw that episode last night and fell in love with it. i had tears in my eyes by the end of the 2 minute date. i love it. i want one. i so crush ted moseby. will i ever have a ted moseby in my life? hahaha
hahaha. don't you just love the episode so much that you hate every second of it!? bitter!
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